MACD 5.bin
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Text File
74 lines
Flip «show selected/total size» on/off
Flip «volume list» on/off
Get this directory - Red means define this button
Reload this directory
Flip «kill remembered/buffered directory mode» on/off
Remember this directory
Change sorting mode
Change display mode
Modify display size
Flip «define mode» on/off
Get parent directory
LMB selects, double click/LMB+RMB acts on files & loads dirs on this side/other side, RMB scrolls
LMB loads a directory into the left file box, RMB scrolls
LMB loads a directory into the right file box, RMB scrolls
Flip file lists
Copy contents of right file list to left's
Copy contents of left file list to right's
Scroll this list
Horizontally: scrolls command lists - Vertically: scrolls current list
Flip «selected/total bytes» on/off
Delete: erases entries
Copy: copies entries to destination
Copy as: copies entries under new names
Copy dev: copies files to a device
Move: copies entries then deletes them
Move as: copies entries under new names then deletes them
Duplicate: copies entries under a new name to the origin
Reduce: takes entries that will fit perfectly on destination then copies them
Create: creates new file
Make dir: creates new directory
Modify: examine & change files' attributes
Rename: change entries' names
Relabel: examine disk's attributes & change its name
Set comment: change global comment
Comment: set entries' comments to the global comment
Set protect: change global protection bits
Protect: set entries' protection bits to the global protection bit
Filetype act: takes a specific action on entries which are of a specific filetype (inactive)
Click-click: double clicks on entries
List archive: lists entries depending on their filetypes
Xtract archive: extract entries depending on their filetypes
Add archive: adds entries using the «Add archive» filetype
Read: reads files using internal text reader
Hex read: reads files in hex mode using the internal text reader
Other: acts on entries who's filetypes are of type «Other»
Print: prints entries depending on their filetypes
Run: performs the run command under this gadget on entries
Mark: double clicks on entries then asks if it should be selected
All: selects all entries
None: unselects all entries
Pattern: selects entries using a specific pattern
Flip: selects unselected entries & unselects selected entries
Top: puts entries to the top of the list
Bottom: puts entries to the bottom of the list
Resort: resorts all entries
Does it fit?: checks if entries fit on the destination
Get dir size: calculates the size of directories
Iconify: puts ABCDir in its iconified form
Configuration: modifies configuration
Load defaults: loads configuration
Save defaults: saves configuration
File types: modifies filetypes
Load types: loads filetypes
Save types: saves filetypes
About: some info on this more than fantasmagoric & rather magic program
Quit: quits ABCDir
Load dir: loads the dir under this gadget
Nothing: zip, mute, huffy-huffa, NIL: - that's what happens
Launch: performs the run command under this gadget
Left-right clk: left-right clicks on entries
Reselect: Selects entries that were selected
Create archive: Creates an archive using the «Create archive» filetype